Version 1.7 is out!

Version 1.7 is out!
It comes with some big-but-small changes.

So what has changed?

* API Version 3, with lots of API improvements, fixes, changes and additions.
* Most features have been ported to extensions, including giveaways, gambling, auctions and more, that gave me the option to have an oversight over the bot’s API to see what’s missing to add lots of additional features.
* Many commands have changed, including the currency commands, gambles and more, check out the documentation for more info.
* Improved the extensions’ ability to add custom windows for increased speed and loading times.
* The bot will now run as an administrator automatically to avoid data losing issues.
* The bot’s account name and the channel’s name are no longer required, they’re retrieved from the tokens.
* Improved currency handout code.
* Messages are now queued to make sure you won’t get banned from Twitch’s chat servers in any case of spam.
* Userlist now preloads properly, additonally on partnered channels it’d also preload the list of subscribers.
* Fixed the disconnecting not clearing all previous data.
* Fixed and improved reconnecting when the connection is lost and/or when and issue occurs.
* Increased the reconnection attempt delays.
* Improved some database queries to increase speed and efficiency.
* Improved overall speed when the bot is actively running.
* Fixed unicode-related issues, this includes replacing the font “Microsoft Sans Serif” (the default) to “Tahoma” (there is no way to stop the console from making a sound, if it bothers you, hide the console).
* Fixed recent subscribers detection.
* Fixed subscriber rewards.
* Fixed subscriber welcoming always being on even if the checkbox was unchecked.
* Improved subscriber welcoming, subscribers that were hidden from the chat (usually due to an issue on Twitch’s side) will also be welcomed (delay is up to a minute).
* Fixed a crash caused by the donations checking loop when an extension used a specific function.
* The console now has some prefixes to logged information:
[++] For a user joining.
[–] For a user leaving.
[->] For an incoming message.
[<-] For an outgoing message.
[><] For a user getting timed out.
[**] For something that might require attention (errors, failures etc).
* The “Currency” window has been renamed to “Users” and will soon include user management features.
* Lots of code cleaning.
* Lots of additional bug fixes and improvements.

– Removed the old donation features as they were limited and already been replaced by the tools provided by the services.

+ Added a 4th mod level, level 1 is now named “Helper”, level 2 is now “Mod”, level 3 is now “Super Mod” and level 4 is “Trusted Mod”.
There’s also level 5 which is the streamer.
Level 1 has a really basic access, stuff like checking other people’s currency.
Level 2 has a more advanced access, mostly to managing stuff like giveaways, auctions and more.
Level 3 has access to add helpers and normal mods as well as access to manage currency (add/set/remove), minus the ability to use the functions that affect all users in the database (such as adding/setting/removing or clearing currency from “all”).
Level 4 has the same access as Level 5 (the streamer), with the option to add mods up to Level 3 and change channel-related information (such as title and game). You’ll normally give this access only to the people you’d give Editor access on Twitch.
+ TwitchAlerts API integration for donations.
+ Donation rewards.
+ Added the option to convert donations’ currency (for the bot’s sight only) to one of over 30 different currencies, for example donation in ILS to USD, that’s to reward donations properly.
When this feature is turned off the donation rewards system would apply the rate over the original donation amount, despite the currency it was donated in.
For example, if a 1 dollar donation was made with a rate of 1:5, the user would get 5 currency points. If the value of 1 dollar was donated in another currency, such as ILS which has a lower value and so converts to about 4, the user would get 20 currency points.
When the feature is on 4 ILS would be converted (according to the daily exchange rate) as 1 dollar, making the user receive 5 currency points either way.
+ Added the option to disable the viewer’s time watched being embed to currency checks.
+ Added a !time command to check for how long you’ve watched the stream (an alternative to the embed time in currency checks). This can be disabled.
+ Added a webserver.
+ Added a small bunch of eastereggs inside the bot and an eastereggs extension, a blog post will be posted every week from now on to report progress, these posts will include hints. Can you and your viewers figure it out before everyone else?
NOTE: Some eastereggs do require a mod.
+ The updater now includes a patcher, patches will make the download size smaller whenever there’s an update.

+ Probably some more things I forgot to document FailFish

* A weekly hint will be given for eastereggs. This week’s hint is already out there somewhere… 😉

Special thanks to everyone who has reported issues, helped me testing!

As always report me of issues you find, you can contact me through Email, Skype and Twitter!

22 thoughts on “Version 1.7 is out!

  1. simon

    i loved the giveaway feature, was the only reason i used Modbot. What is the point of a currency system that you cannot spend?


    1. CoMaNdO Post author

      What is the point of typing what’s changed when you don’t read it? I’ve said so many times that many features have been ported out to extensions and you should check out what extensions you want, here in the post, the installation page, the change log in the updater, in the change log that pops up, in the message board that does up EVERY time you open the bot.


  2. nexaa

    hi, i have a problem,

    The greetings feature is not working fine since the update,
    Console constantly says failed to update userlist when someone joins and they dont welcome the user 😦


    1. CoMaNdO Post author

      The userlist failing to update is on Twitch’s side, I can’t do anything about it, if it fails to load it, it won’t be able to tell who joined/left, it is attempted once every minute. Until successful new viewers will not be greeted automatically, they will be greeted once they send a message, however.


  3. vesomplay

    I know this might be a dumb question but some of the commands aren’t working and i read that “Many commands have changed” i just cant find the new command list anywhere. If you would be so kind as to direct me in the right direction to find those bad boys that would be top!!!
    thanks for reading


  4. boingz


    Thanks for all the great work…
    I’ve been reading documentation over and over.. it seems i can only addsuper for a lvl 3 “mod”, i cant find the command e.g addtrusted? for a lvl 4 “mod” or is the only way to setlevel to 4?


      1. boingz

        Thanks for the prompt response!
        Keep up the good work on ModBot.


        P/S: to all the guys having command problems.. The Documentation tab -> click hyperlink here, its more than sufficient to apply to the bot 🙂 works great!


  5. Magnus

    I’m trying to connect the bot but when I connect it says “Twitch reported that bot’s access toekn is invalid and after I’ve tried to add it again it says that channel’s access token is invalid.


  6. Magnus

    I think there has been an update to google docs and im wondering how you change the type to json. Since the current google docs doesn’t have the same setup as it’s shown in (fig. 2) Figure 2: [Changing Doc Settings] – can you make a new fig if that is the case?


  7. Punnymaster

    Whats goin on with the greetings? It does not work at all, fails every time. It was good before the patch, but now I cant even download 1.6 version as its not available to download. Can you publish 1.6 please? The best thing in the MODBOT what is not available with other bots is the Greeting, we need it back. And its not really up to the twitch server, I have tried to use it for 14 days now, and every time the server was up, no greeting. Thanks!


    1. CoMaNdO Post author

      First of all, correct your tone, I am not working for you, if you have an issue you have quite a few ways to contact me.
      Second of all, it does depend on the server to work since that’s where the names are fetched from, if it’s down it’ll keep the previously downloaded list, hence not know who has joined.


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