Weekly update (December 22nd, 2014)

So I’ve said there will be weekly updates from now on, so lets begin with the first one 🙂

It’s been a week since the 1.7 update and throughout the week I’ve made some minor updates to fix some issues, make some small changes and make some general improvements.
A big shout-out to the people who report issues, help me test and support me! But sadly (even though it might sound greedy) it’s not enough, many of you (the users of the bot) have come to me asking about the “missing” features even though it has been stated in several places that they’ve been ported out to extensions, check the updater for the features you want, and it just got me depressed, I got tired of answering that question that I ended up ranting at one of the users.
I’m sorry but that’s really not the kind of support I expected, I was really looking forward to hear your feedback about all the work I’ve put into improving the bot, fixing so many bugs and fix the post-release issues as fast as possible, I’ve made 6 minor updates after the initial release of 1.7, to fix the issues as fast as possible, I spend my free time working on the bot for hours and yes it is a nice feeling to help so many people, but then comes the point of where you think of the cost.

Yes, it is “free” to make this bot, it is “free” to maintain it, and it is free to use it, but it’s not really free, there’s the cost of me spending my free time on this, a free project expecting to get support from donations but it doesn’t happen. I really hate asking for money but that’s the only way I can continue to work on this bot, because eventually I’ll have to leave this project and get paid for other projects, as it got to a point where it’s depressing, something like a single donation a month (or longer).
If you fail to understand the point here, think about streaming, it’s “free” to stream, but if you don’t make profit, how will you pay for power, for your internet and everything you need in order to be capable of streaming? That is my problem, and I am asking for you help, many of you have probably chosen my bot because it’s free, and you can’t afford to pay for one, that’s okay, but the ones who can actually afford to send a small donation to support me, I really expect support back, the same way you wish people will support you for entertaining them.

So here is my honest request from the guys, if you can afford a small donation to help me, please do, because I really like supporting your channels with my bot but I’d need you to support me back. And don’t get me wrong, if you really cant afford a donation that’s okay, you don’t have to, you can support me by referring to this blog, and it would be greatly appreciated if done with a link at one of your channel panels.


* Weekly easteregg hint (remember that some eastereggs may require a mod in the bot sometimes up to level 3): These HTTP status codes made me thirsty Kappa

11 thoughts on “Weekly update (December 22nd, 2014)

    1. CoMaNdO Post author

      Because what’s the point of this post right? What the fuck is a changelog? That’s exactly one of the things that disappointed me after the 1.7 update.
      “* Many commands have changed, including the currency commands, gambles and more, check out the documentation for more info.”


      1. Randall Estacio

        DEAR CoManDo,

        First off! I love your work!
        Third off! I will do me part and make a small donation to you!

        Thank you!

        Randall Estacio


  1. Booyaah82 (@Booyaah82)


    Does ModBot give out currency when the stream is offline? I have it connected to my channel, set to give out 5 currency every 5 minutes. I was doing a !currency on myself every 5 minutes but I never saw the currency amount go up.

    I can manually do !currency add Booyaah82 50 and then see my balance go up by 50 but the auto handout isn’t working?


  2. Jeppzer

    I just installed the new update, and now modbot crashes when it tries to connect.

    Right after it tries to “setting up the database” I get “System.AccessViolationException” and row upon row with errors in the console window.


  3. Booyaah82 (@Booyaah82)

    Okay one last thing, I see you have different payout levels for subscribers, but do not differentiate between non-followers and followers. I would like there to be separate input boxes for followers and non-followers as an incentive to get ppl to follow my channel, rather than giving the same payouts to both groups.


    1. CoMaNdO Post author

      Followers is more complicated, if I preload the list, I need to fully reload it every time, if I check it for each user, it’d require many connections which I don’t like.


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